Patent 1: Blockchain-based Digital

Patent 1: Blockchain-based Digital Title Certificate System for Asset Ownership and Valuation Tracking. USPTO Filing 18/398,941

The Digital Title Certificate (DTC) System revolutionizes asset ownership tracking by introducing a blockchain framework with dual-tokens and dual-registries. It offers unprecedented security and transparency, applicable to real estate, vehicles, collectibles, and digital tokens. DTC transactions are governed by smart contracts within a multi-signature wallet, ensuring meticulous validation, legal compliance, privacy measures, scalability, and cross-chain compatibility. By providing real-time valuation data through API connectivity, it paves the way for innovative asset tracking and management.


1. A Digital Title Certificate (DTC) system for property ownership tracking, comprising:

a. a parent DTC residing on a Title Registry, configured to securely store property records and maintain an immutable ledger of property ownership;

b. a plurality of child DTCs associated with specific property transactions, wherein said child DTCs change hands during said property transactions;

c. a blockchain network for recording each transaction and DTC creation, ensuring transparency and tamper-proof property ownership records;

d. a biometric KYC/AML check integrated into the DTC system, mandatorily verifying the identity of all parties involved in property transactions;

e. an escrow locker requiring third-party validation, providing enhanced security and trust in the DTC system;

f. an API connectivity enabling real-time valuation of the DTCs, facilitating property asset management through the NAV Smart Contract.

2. The DTC system of claim 1, wherein the parent DTC and child DTCs are implemented as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), ensuring uniqueness and traceability of property ownership records.

3. The DTC system of claim 1, wherein the blockchain network comprises a decentralized ledger technology (DLT) platform, ensures the security and immutability of property ownership records.

4. The DTC system of claim 1, wherein the biometric KYC/AML check comprises verifying the biometric data of the parties involved in property transactions against a trusted database.

5. The DTC system of claim 1, wherein the escrow locker requires third-party validation through a consensus mechanism involving multiple trusted entities.

6. The DTC system of claim 1, wherein the API connectivity enables real-time valuation of the DTCs by integrating with external property valuation systems.

7. The DTC system of claim 1, wherein the NAV Smart Contract automatically calculates the Net Asset Value of the property based on real-time market data and property-specific parameters.

8. The DTC system of claim 1, wherein the DTC system further comprises a user interface for accessing and managing the parent DTC and child DTCs, providing a user-friendly experience for property owners and stakeholders.

9. The DTC system of claim 1, wherein the DTC system is implemented on a cloud-based infrastructure, ensuring scalability and accessibility for users.

10. A method for property ownership tracking using the Digital Title Certificate (DTC) system of claim 1, comprising the steps of:

a. creating a parent DTC on the Title Registry for securely storing property records;

b. generating child DTCs associated with specific property transactions;

c. recording each transaction and DTC creation on the blockchain network;

d. verifying the identity of all parties involved in property transactions through biometric KYC/AML checks;

e. validating property transactions through the escrow locker involving third-party entities;

f. providing real-time valuation of the DTCs through API connectivity and the NAV Smart Contract;

g. accessing and managing the parent DTC and child DTCs through a user interface.

Certainly, here are two patent claims related to the concept of NAV (Net Asset Value) and real-time valuation of assets represented by the DTCs:

11. A method for real-time asset valuation in a Digital Title Certificate (DTC) system, comprising:

  1. Providing a parent DTC residing on a Title Registry, said parent DTC representing an asset;

  2. Creating child DTCs for said asset and transferring said child DTCs between wallets during transactions;

  3. Utilizing a Net Asset Value (NAV) Smart Contract integrated into the DTC system, said NAV Smart Contract having API connectivity to external data sources;

  4. Continuously updating the valuation of the asset represented by said parent DTC and child DTCs in real-time through said NAV Smart Contract based on data received from said external data sources;

  5. Displaying the real-time asset valuation information to authorized users of the DTC system.

12: A system for real-time asset valuation and management within a Digital Title Certificate (DTC) system, comprising:

  1. A Title Registry hosting a parent DTC representing a property asset;

  2. A mechanism for creating child DTCs linked to said property asset and transferring said child DTCs between wallets during transactions;

  3. A Net Asset Value (NAV) Smart Contract integrated into the DTC system, said NAV Smart Contract having API connectivity to external data sources providing asset valuation data;

  4. Means for continuously updating the valuation of the asset represented by said parent DTC and child DTCs in real-time through said NAV Smart Contract based on data received from said external data sources;

  5. User interfaces enable authorized users of the DTC system to access and view the real-time asset valuation information and manage assets efficiently.

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